Nana’s NANOVISIONS | DNA as a Universal Memory of Organic Life

After the profound experience of successfully donating bone marrow to my sister and seeing her escape an almost certain early death, I developed fascination towards genetics and began to visualize and paint DNA molecule.

Made of two spirals, moving opposite directions, with ladder-like steps made of four bases, “A - T”, and “G - C”, DNA is a “text”, containing the universal memory of organic life. The tiny building block, that makes us all the same and yet, paradoxically grants us distinct individuality. We are all made of this organic living language of life and share 99.9%. If you stretched all the DNA in all your cells, put together would be about twice the diameter of the Solar System.

“In the beginning was the word”, Double Helix represents this text, translated into genetic code.

Like the DNA ladder, Arts and Science have evolved together by influencing and feeding off each other throughout the history.

In my work, Double Helix represents a symbol of life, and a force of perpetual rebirth and healing.